Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What You Do Not Know About Magnesium Can Be Detrimental To Your Health.

The mineral magnesium is a low cost supplement, which due to its low cost is being ignored by drug manufacturers. Consequently, it has also been given too little attention by mainstream doctors as well as the patients who never question their doctor’s knowledge or judgment. Instead, drug companies produce high-priced “calcium channel blockers” to do exactly what magnesium does. In 2000, doctors wrote more than 95 million prescriptions for this type of drug at the cost of $4.5 billion! The side effects of these drugs are uncomfortable to say the least and can be dangerous to your health.

It is very important to our health to have adequate levels of magnesium in our bodies. Two of my personal experiences can attest to this. I suffered from the detrimental effect of low levels of magnesium during a stressful period in my life. Also, a relative of mine felt the negative effects of inadequate magnesium levels when she had a case of severe heart arrhythmias. Due to these personal experiences, it is my mission to pass on the following information about magnesium.

As many as 80% of Americans today do not obtain adequate magnesium from their diets. Modern food production; growing and refining methods contribute to this problem. Also, present day dietary habits – such as drinking soft drinks and consuming too much fat, salt, coffee or alcohol – interfere with magnesium absorption or cause its loss. Many people think they get enough magnesium from their multivitamins, but the amount in many supplements is inadequate.

Magnesium is one of the body’s most important minerals. It’s important for every organ in the body – particularly the heart, muscles, and kidneys. Magnesium deficiency can have very serious effects on our health. The health of our cells depends on it. It activates enzymes, contributes to energy production, supports a healthy immune system, and helps regulate calcium levels as well as copper, zinc, potassium, vitamin D, and other important nutrients in the body.

Magnesium plays a major role in relaxing the muscles within blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency can cause metabolic changes, which contribute to cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes. A well-established body of research indicates that magnesium is highly effective not only in treating but also, more importantly, in preventing high blood pressure.

There is also evidence that magnesium deficiency increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which may increase complications leading to a heart attack. Research shows that higher blood levels of magnesium are associated with lower risk of coronary heart disease.

Low magnesium is also tied to diabetes. A new study strongly correlates high magnesium intake with reduced risk of developing type II diabetes. Approximately 39% of those with type II diabetes suffer from magnesium deficiency.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency may include agitation and anxiety, irritability, weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, spasms, muscle weakness, abnormal heart rhythms, personality changes, confusion, hyperventilation, insomnia, poor nail growth, and even seizures. My own symptoms included what I would describe as a spasm of the heart. The heart is a muscle and my heart felt like a rock – tight and heavy. I also experienced hyperventilation.

As a keen health enthusiast, I read about health on a daily basis. I happened to read about magnesium at the time when I had that feeling in my chest. I knew it couldn’t hurt so I started taking magnesium to see if it would help. Unbelievably, in only a couple of days I felt so totally different that it seemed close to miraculous. This has happened to me several times when I had an ailment of some sort – I happened to read about a simple supplement that I knew could not hurt me and it ended up curing my complaint. To anyone who likes to read, I highly recommend reading about health as much as possible. It is well worth every hour you put into it, because in return you’ll be rewarded by good health (if you utilize your knowledge), much lower doctor’s bills, and the confidence that you are a better judge of your own health than any doctor.

Above I said that I knew magnesium could not hurt me. That is because I do not take any type of medications – only vitamins and other supplements. If you are taking any medications, it is recommended that you check with your doctor before taking magnesium. Also, if you have kidney or heart disease you should not use a magnesium supplements unless instructed to do so by a physician. A recommended adult dosage of magnesium per day is 500-600 mg, which should be taken with a meal. If you are not used to taking magnesium, you may need to start at half the dosage and slowly increase the amount over a few weeks.

One of my most favorite places to read about health is in the Life Extension Magazine. The Life Extension Foundation is an awesome organization. I recommend that anyone who cares about their health find out more about the Foundation. The following link will take you to very interesting articles about Magnesium published in the Life Extension magazine.

Click this link to the Magazine.

Here's to Your Increased Interest in Being Responsible for Your Own Health!

Aila Noake

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A widely read health enthusiast of over thirty years
whose incentive for health began with the realization
that everyone in her immediate family passed away
with cancer.
Copyright © Aila Noake

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